Who is the Female Table Tennis National Team Coach?


Zhang Yining who was born in Beijing on 1982, 168cm tall and weigh 52kg did an excellent job on 2004 Athens Olympic Games.

Zhang has a good talent of playing Table Tennis. So when Zhang was only 6 years old, she was sent to learn playing tennis. On the 45th Table Tennis World Championships in 1999, she was defeated only by Wang Nan, and came in second.

However, after a series of hard work, on 2004 Athens Olympic Games, she finally won a gold medal. After beating Wang Nan, she became the leading character in Table Tennis field.

We wish she could achieve even more progresses in the future matches, and bring more honours to our hometown.






乒乓英语作文 英语作文乒乓球

Table tennis grand slam consists of the Olmpic Games single champion,the world tournament single champion,the word cup single champion.Now there are six table tennis players who have won the grand slam .They are Waldner ,Deng Yaping,Liu Guoliang,Kong Linghui,WangNan,Zhang Yining ,among which there are five Chinese.I am very proud. 乒乓球大满贯是指获得奥林匹克运动会单打冠军、世界锦标赛单打冠军、世界杯单打冠军。现在,一共有6位大满贯乒乓球运动员。他们是瑞典的瓦尔德内尔,中国的邓亚萍,刘国梁,孔令辉,王楠,张怡宁。有五名中国人。我很自豪。




Deng Yaping, 28, from Henan Province, is a talented woman player f table tennis. She was the table tennis champion of the 1 l th Asian Games nd the 41st World Table Tennis Championship. And in the 25th Olympic ames she won o gold medals. Why can she make such brilliant chievements with the disadvantage of her Short figure? Her hard work and etermination to succeed helped her to overe many disadvantages.


At the age of 4, she began to play table tennis under the guidance of her father. When she was 8, she won the championship in the national petition of the *** sports school. In 1988 she became a member of the National Training Team. On her way to success, she proved that height was nothing and hard work was everything.

乒乓球 英语作文

Competition in preparation for the Olympic Games period. Our daily training, regular participation in various petitions at home and abroad, in the in beeen, we have succeeded, we have failed too, and we laugh too, and we cried, in success, we are not proud of failure when we did not despair, We are fighting for the country, we feel very proud.

乒乓球 英语作文

Today, we win, we feel very happy. Every day we carefully trained to have paid off, not only for our own glory, more national glory.

Every day we get up very early, the coach led us to run, to strengthen our physical, in order for us to adhere to the race to the end. Then into the skills training, to maintain their strengths, strengthen their weaknesses, for us to play in the race many of the ball skills to beat opponents. Although we tired, but did not despair, we believe that one day we will win. Today, we proved that we are the best.

Thank you to all those who support us, and we will continue our efforts to achieve better results!





是因两个英国青年玩耍引起的。 19世纪末,一天伦敦两个青年人到一家饭馆去吃饭,在等待侍者送饭时,他们感到无聊,便信手将装雪茄的盒盖拿在手中玩,同时又将酒瓶上的软木塞也拨了下来,两人在餐桌上你来我往,相互打过来打过去,结果,他俩玩得竟入了迷,连吃饭都顾不上了。由此,这项餐桌上的游戏,很快就演变、发展成乒乓球赛,并席卷伦敦,一时形成了一股乒乓球热。 为了纪念发明国,1926年,第一届世界乒乓球锦标赛在伦敦举行。


This afternoon,there is a table-tennis match beeen my clas *** ates.Many of my clas *** ates like playing table-tennis.So our teacher encourages us to play a game.There are four boy teams and three girl teams.Some other students are judges.The match is very exciting and finally all players get awards.But I think the happiness is the best reward.


The powerful Chinese table tennis national team played down the home advantage and expects the toughest ever Olympic Games.

It's the first time that table tennis introduces team events in the Olympic history, and China have fielded an unprecedented squad including both the men's and women's world 1-2 in the rankings.

Wang Hao, who claimed the first ever world champion in his career last year in the men's World Cup, leads the men's team also including three-time world champion Wang Liqin and quartet World Cup holder Ma Lin, the current second-ranked man in the world.

In the women's part, defending champion and world No. 1 Zhang Yining will cooperate with teenage reigning world champion Guo Yue and veteran Wang Nan with 18 world titles in hands.

play table tennis,we can keep health and have a good heart.you can attemptdo it.




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Wang Nan is a female Chinese table tennis player from Liaoning. Wang remained as world No.1 on the ITTF ranking system from 1999 to 2001. She is left-handed, and began playing table tennis when she was seven years old. Her particular skills are changing the placement of the ball during rallies and her loop drive, as well as her notable speed. Wang has been the leader of the Chinese women's table-tennis team of China after Deng Yaping's retirement. There are many powerful players in Chinese national table tennis team. As an old player, Wang have to be harder than other younger players. She is really a great player.


Who is the Female Table Tennis National Team Coach?


Name : Bronze

Sex : Female

Origin : Beijing

Birthday : October 5, 1981

Height : 168 cm

Weight : 54 kilograms

Project : Table Tennis

Identity : students

Love : swimming, and other sports

Application : singles, doubles

Best results : world champion

Campaign experience :

1986 started off in Beijing Dongcheng District school of physical education, coaches are Zhaojianguo ;1994 years into the Beijing team coach was Lee remains ;1995, selected national team, the coach is Qi Po Heung.

Major accomplishments :

1997 women's runner-up records

1998 National League women's runner-up

1998 Malaysia Open Women's singles champion, doubles champion

1998 Italian Open Women's singles champion, three doubles

1998 Yajinsai women's championship

1998 Bangkok Asian Games women's championship

2000 Women's Tennis Championship-45, Women's singles runner-up, doubles 3

Women's doubles runner-up in 2000 Japan Open

2000 Portland Open Women's singles champion, Women's doubles champion

2000 Swedish Open Women's singles champion

2001 Women's Tennis Championship-46, Women's singles 3rd, Women's doubles 3

2001 World University women's champion, Women's doubles champion, Women's singles 3rd

2001 National Women's singles runner-up will be, women's runner-up, Mixed doubles 3

2002 ITTF Women's singles championship finals 1st

2002 Busan Asian Games Women's singles champion, women's runner-up

Croatia Open Women's singles championship in 2003, Women's doubles champion

2003 China Open Women's singles champion

2003 47-second rounds Women's doubles champion, Women's singles runner-up

2003 National Championship women's champion, Women's singles champion, Women's doubles champion

2003 ITTF Women's singles finals 1st runner-up

2004 Women's Tennis 47-group champion

Athens 2004 Olympic Games Women's singles, Women's doubles champion

2004 World Cup Champion

2004 ITTF Women's doubles champion roving tournament

2005 2005 Qatar Open Women's singles champion

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